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4 Resolutions for Growth in 2021


A few thoughts + tips for a productive year

What a year 2020 turned out to be. A blog post can’t possibly summarize what many of us have been through, but as this first day of January arrives I will say that I hope you feel hopeful.

My wish for all of us this year is to see change as opportunity whenever possible, although I know sometimes it isn’t. And I hope that once we’ve grieved our losses we can better appreciate what remains, from the people in our lives and the world around us to small moments like morning coffee and climbing into bed after a long day (or a long year).

Despite whatever we might have endured in 2020, I can say that as someone who has experienced loss—of people I’ve loved and plans I’ve made—I know that even in those moments there are silver linings. Sometimes, they just take a while to appear.

So, today begins a new year with plenty to embrace and learn and experience. In Type A style, each year I write down a couple dozen (!!!) resolutions—personal and professional—that mirror my life as a business owner and as a person who stays curious about our wonderful world. Here are a few goals I’ve set for 2021:

  • Continue studying French as a way of exploring my heritage

  • Step beyond my comfort zone to conquer speaking on camera

  • Learn to identify the birds in my yard because nature is a source of wonder and joy

  • For the first time in a long time, be the mentee instead of the mentor. Business is changing quickly, and we must always learn and adapt

  • If possible, last year’s postponed trip to Quebec will still happen; if not, then weekend road trips will ensue

And for businesses questioning how to grow this year, from those who’ve just begun to others who are decades in, now is the ideal time to set your 2021 New Year’s resolutions. Here are a few of Contour PR + Social’s recommendations:

  • Explore technology. Incorporate new (or new-to-you) technologies to increase effectivity. Consider apps for time blocking, Google Chrome extensions for enhanced web browsing (we love Nimbus for screenshotting), automating replies to messages on Instagram and Facebook, and email marketing via low-cost platforms like Mailchimp and Constant Contact.

  • Optimize online. Internet use increased quite a lot during 2020. This year it is more important than ever to ensure your business appears in search engine directories (submit your business via Google My Business and Bing Places) and keep your website and social media updated with current information and modern, cohesive visuals.

  • Outsource. Do what you love and let others handle the rest. A sampling of tasks that are easy to outsource include admin, accounting, writing, email marketing, social media and website development. And if you still need more hours in your day, you can also gain time through meal delivery (or weekly meal prepping) and cleaning services.

  • Refresh your mind. A few favorite tricks for balancing my mind include: practice gratitude, perhaps by considering those less fortunate; set boundaries and kindly communicate them as needed; declutter your space, which is shown to improve confidence and efficiency; accept that life is uncertain and we can only do our best; and replace fear with excitement by remembering your purpose. The resulting mindset will help you take effective action in business and in life.

Finally, a few tips for sticking to your new goals: write them down by hand (studies show you’ll remember them better), break big goals into smaller process goals to gain clarity and reduce feelings of overwhelm, set deadlines, and find a mentor or coach who keeps you focused and accountable.

Until next time, I hope this year finds us all healthy, motivated and ready to take on whatever is yet to come our way.

What are your resolutions for 2021? Share your thoughts via our contact page!

Colette Mauzeralle